A Week in Chinese Stock Market: Suspensions, Resumptions, Acquisitions, and Earnings

2025-01-25 2:32:03 交易所新闻资讯 author

This week in the Chinese stock market saw a mix of activity. 奥浦迈 (688293) and *ST博信 (600083) were suspended from trading, while 藏格矿业 (000408) resumed trading. Significant news included Ningbo Fuda (600724)’s plan to acquire at least 45% of Jingxin Materials’ equity, marking a potential entry into the electronic specialty materials sector. Conversely, Yitai B shares (900948) announced the termination of a large coal-to-oil project due to market conditions and financial risks. Earnings reports revealed a mixed bag. China Duty Free (601888) saw a significant profit decline, while ice cream producer Iceberg Cold Heat (000530) and pet food company ZC SPC (002891) experienced substantial profit increases. Several other companies, including 华兰疫苗 (301207), 中视传媒 (600088), 三友化工 (600409), 诺诚健华 (688428), 福日电子 (600203), 兰卫医学 (301060), 和元生物 (688238), 精伦电子 (600355), 联化科技 (002250), 四方新材 (605122), 华大智造 (688114), and 荣昌生物 (688331), reported varied earnings results, some with substantial losses. On the contract front, Zhongzhong Technology (603135) secured a sizable contract worth ¥367 million, and Bomaike (603727) signed a contract valued between ¥750 million and ¥1 billion. Finally, there was news of the National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund’s planned share reduction in Taili Micro (688591).

